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Brief outline of the project

The Project includes 6 sets of Sub-Projects:

  • Uses of high-speed networks in teaching/education (E51).
  • Uses of individual computer devices in educational activities and evaluative technology for the education process (E52).
  • Distance-learning network access (E54).
  • Computers in every classroom  (E55).
  • Development of multi-use software components (E56).

These Sub-Projects are designed to foster:

  1. The pilot use of cutting-edge technology in the school environment, in 2 to 10 individual classes.
  2. Taking full advantage of cutting-edge technology in the development of learning environments that encourage societal and decentralized education.
  3. The creation of a “technology culture” for a functional understanding of important concepts in the science of Informatics that fosters the development of capacities and skills relating to expression, creation, communication and data management.


These pages are edited by the Computer Technology Institute. For further information please  contact the Odysseia Information Center. This page last up-dated on:01/04/2002