
Challenger Center OnLine: Launch your exploration of space here for cool educational simulations, activities, news and information.Challenger Center focuses specifically on comets, Mars, the Earth, Moon, International Space Station, the Space Shuttle, Space probes and the Solar System in general.

Ask an Astronomer: Here is an opportunity for K-12 students to ask an astronomer at Lick Observatory a question on any astronomy topic. This site also has a search engine so you can check if your question has already been asked and answered.

The Astronomy Cafe: This site is worth a visit. Astrophysicist Sten Odenwald has put together a page of astronomy resources that is part lesson and part fun. You can even ask a question, which he may post -- along with the response. One such query: "If the sun is made of hydrogen and helium, why can't we see through it?" Other topics include: big bang cosmology, the infrared universe, Images, a next Generation Space Telescope, music, career information, and a survey -- Do you have what it takes to be an astronomer?

Astronomy Picture of the Day: This site offers a good five minute mental break to take a different look at the universe. Every day a new picture or image of the universe is placed here, with a brief explanation full of hypertext links to extensive background information.

Bradford Robotic Telescope: Armchair astronomers now have a 46-centimeter reflecting telescope at their disposal via the Web,thanks to the University of Bradford in England. After registering with the site (no charge), you submit observing jobs, and the scope decides for itself when the weather is clear, then snaps pictures of the area of the sky you've specified and lets you view the results online.

The Discovery of a Planet Orbiting Nearby Star 51Pegasi: Interested in visiting another planet -- not in our Solar System? Visit the nearby star 51 Pegasi. It's the very first time that a real planet has been definitely identified in another star system. The discovery was originally made by astronomers observing the star's distinct wobble (reproduced here). The wobble let them deduce the size of the planet and its distance from the star, which actually makes sense when you see how they calculate it. The planet has some serious oddities.

HST Greatest Hits 1990-1995 Gallery: This site proudly offers the most interesting images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope since its launch in 1990. You'll find everything from Jupiter's Shoemaker-Levy-bruised face to a current weather report on Mars, complete with animation.

Space Telescope Science Institute Latest HST Observations: The name says it all. Here's where you'll find the latest and greatest Hubble Space Telescope images.

Students for the Exploration and Development of Space: Maintained by the U. of Arizona SEDS chapter, this site features a galaxy of online resources for serious space enthusiasts. SEDS is an independent student organization advocating space exploration and development. This page is pure pleasure to peruse, and you'll learn something too.

Views of the Solar System: What makes this site special is its extensive coverage of both manned and unmanned space flight.You can spend hours learning about the Apollo lunar missions and other space spectaculars. There are plenty of photos and animations, too.

NASA's Homepage: This is the official site of NASA. Here you will find everything that has to do with space, spacecrafts, space missions and many educational programs.

Mission Venus: NASA's Magellan spacecraft made a dramatic conclusion to its highly successful mission at Venus when it is commanded to plunge into the planet's dense atmosphere Tuesday, October 11, 1994. This home page offers Venus images taken by Magellan and other highlights from the mission.

Satellite Images: This is a selection of the images held by the University of Nottingham. These images are retrieved from Meteosat, usually within a few minutes of the pictures being broadcast.

Space Callendar: The Space Calendar covers space-related activities and anniversaries for the coming year. Included are over 700 links to related home pages.

Space Environment Lab: The Space Environment Center (SEC) provides real-time monitoring and forecasting of solar and geophysical events, conducts research in solar-terrestrial physics, and develops techniques for forecasting solar and geophysical disturbances.

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Date of Last Update: 07/05/1998