TERC TERC is a nonprofit research and development organization committed to improving science learning and teaching. This site contains hyperlinks towards TERC's projects, descriptions of references and products developed by the organization, on-line publication of a six-month magazine and informations about occupation in the organization and participation in TERC's workgroups.

US Department of Education The official site of the U.S. Department of Education includes administrative and educational issues, many educational hyperlinks, possibility of detailed search by subject in the site and in the whole WWW, answers to frequently asked questions, publications and hyperlinks towards 3 selected sites each month

National Council for Educational Technology The site of NCET contains information about the Internet, analysis of educational technology, details about NCET's projects, description of hundreds of CDs developed by NCET, many educational hyperlinks and an on-line research for the improvement of the services offered by this site.

Association for Learning Technology The site of the Association for Learning Technology includes, among other things, information about becoming a member of the Association, on-line publicationof the Association's magazine, educational news, publications and search in the site.

The Globewide Network Academy This is a site with news, educational hyperlinks, possibility of informing the user about more than 10.000 educational programmes, information about educational books and an area where teachers can exchange messages.

Engines for Education Wonder among the pages of an on-line book titled Engines for Education with the subject of how people learn and how they should be educated.

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Date of Last Update: 07/05/1998