This page will contain several events, concerning ODYSSEAS project and the schools participating in it, organized in the form of a calendar. The events will be written down chronologically from the least recent to the most recent event and events refering to a time period of width of a few weeks will be reported. For some events there will be a brief description, enabling the user to be informed about the event, even if he does not wish to follow the respective hyperlink. There will also exist a calendar so that the user will be able to choose the events of a particular date. This page will lead to one or more pages (according to the number of events) where there will exist analytical descriptions for the events. Ther user will be also able to guide himself to choice of a particular school in order to see the events calendar of this school.


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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27 28 29 30      
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Ελλnνική Σελίδα

Page Maintained by odysseasweb@cti.gr
Date of Last Update: 20/05/1998