The pedagogical principles underlying the development of Odysseia educational software

  •      Exploratory learning: Students are involved in    activities and projects that encourage them to become active producers instead of passive receivers of knowledge. They express themselves in writing and in the symbolic/logical language of mathematics. They experiment, communicate, organize information, construct and test models. They compose texts and take part in classroom discussions. The students also express critical thinking, doubts, assumptions and conclusions. The teacher on the other hand directs, guides and associates activities with the curriculum.

  •      The interdisciplinary approach to educational        material: This allows students to become involved in situations that closely reflect reality and that make the learning process a personal issue. 

  •      Collaborative learning: Students are encouraged to function as members of a team and of a learning community. Through such a process they develop skills for discussion, argumentation and the sense of being team players. They participate in the production of work of a much larger scale than what they could accomplish individually.


These pages are edited by the Computer Technology Institute. For further information please  contact the Odysseia Information Center. This page last up-dated on:01/04/2002