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Brief outline of the Project

The Lotofagoi Project focuses on the dissemination and promotion of the results of the Odysseia Programme by continuous up-dating and communication with the scholastic and scientific community and the general public. This Project focuses on responding to the critical reactions of this audience during the progress of the Programme so that it can be modified accordingly, and also on paving the way for the acceptance of the impact of the Programme.
More specifically, the basic objectives of this Project are:
  • Publicizing information about the Odysseia Programme concerning the content and methodology of the implementation of the various complementary projects under its umbrella, and of the achievement of its goals to the education community, to the collaborative agencies involved in the Programme and to the general public, in order to promote the understanding of the methods used in its implementation.
  • Disseminating the results of each Project and of the Programme as a whole to the specific groups mentioned above (teachers, students, parents, social organizations, the general public, the European Commission, the scientific community), which constitute the links that compose the education chain.
  • Cultivating a climate of acceptance in the education and school communities. At a second stage, the reactions of these communities will act as a compass charting a possible change of course for the Programme to improve its intervention in the education system.
  • Developing a positive perception of the use of computer technologies in education, through information and dialogue.



These pages are edited by the Computer Technology Institute. For further information please  contact the Odysseia Information Center. This page last up-dated on:22/03/2001