Brief outline of the Project
The development of computer and network technologies in the core
curriculum of the basic education system is a true educational reform, and an
internationally pioneering development that raises a number of technological,
organizational and educational issues that need to be addressed.
The Kalypso Project includes, apart from formal Project management
(progress bulletins, archives, etc.) and financial administration (budgets, payments,
etc.), the detailed designing of the various individual Projects (drafting of Project
Specifications) and attending to the problems that will doubtlessly arise during the
implementation of the Odysseia Programme due to: (a) its size, (b) time constraints, (c)
the very large number of individuals and collaborators involved, and (d) the close
interdependence of the various projects.
The Kalypso Project designs, co-ordinates and takes full advantage of
the dynamic complementarity of the individual Projects to maximize the impact of the
entire Programme. It also tries to make the best possible use of the resources made
available by the various collaborators and agencies that are working together in the
Programme to utilize computer and network technologies in secondary education, so that the
overall endeavor proves to be productive in both the present and long term, and of benefit
to the entire educational community (students, teachers, parents, school and local